Fat Digestion Investigation

Second gra.... inSecond ter... | biology

0 (0)

Fat Digestion Investigation

How can you identify a living creature through a diverse set of bones?

Second gra.... inSecond ter... | biology

0 (0)

How can you identify a living creature through a diverse set of bones?

Male and female reproductive system

Second Gra.... inSecond ter... | Sciences

0 (0)

Male and female reproductive system

Determining the reproduction rate

Second Gra.... inSecond ter... | Sciences

0 (0)

Determining the reproduction rate

Clarify that light is one of the basic needs of plants

fifth grad.... inFirst Term | Science

0.2 (4)

Clarify that light is one of the basic needs of plantsPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

How pepsin enzyme aids in the process of digestion

Second gra.... inSecond ter... | biology

0 (0)

How pepsin enzyme aids in the process of digestion

Parts of a flower

Third grad.... inSecond ter... | biology

0 (0)

Parts of a flower

Cross-section of a volcano

fifth grad.... inSecond Ter... | Science

0 (0)

Cross-section of a volcano

Phases of mitosis - Cell cycle

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Science

0.25 (1)

Phases of mitosis - Cell cycle

Urinary system

Second Gra.... inSecond ter... | Sciences

25.125 (2)

 Urinary system

Clarify whether soil is one of the basic needs of plants

Fifth Grad.... inFirst Term | Sciences

0.19166666666667 (6)

Clarify whether soil is one of the basic needs of plantsPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

What factors affect photosynthesis?

Third grad.... inThird Seme... | Biology

0.19166666666667 (6)

the goal:Explaining the factors that affect the process of photosynthesis.Materials and tools:Glass beaker - Glass funnel - Test tube - Aquatic plant - Sodium bicarbonate - Light sourceSteps:1- Fill the glass with water.2- Add a quantity of sodium bicarbonate to the water.3- Place the aquatic plant......

How do mammals keep their bodies warm in cold places

fourth gra.... inThird seme... | Science

0.25 (1)

the goal:Exploring how mammals keep their bodies warm in cold places.Materials and tools:Vegetable fat - Ice - Kitchen brush - Stopwatch.Steps:Lower the lab assistant's hand into the ice and note the stopwatch time.Note how long the lab assistant can tolerate the cold before raising their hand.Use t......

Grasshopper anatomy

First Grad.... inThird Seme... | Science

0 (0)

Grasshopper anatomy

Earthworm Anatomy

First Grad.... inThird Seme... | Science

0.15 (2)

Earthworm Anatomy

Watching onion cells (introductory experiment)

First Grad.... inThird Seme... | Science

0 (0)

Watching onion cells (introductory experiment)

Animal and plant cell under a microscope

First Grad.... inThird Seme... | Science

0.225 (2)

Animal and plant cell under a microscope

Measure the amount of water absorbed by mosses

Second Gra.... inThird Seme... | Science

0.2 (3)

the goal:The amount of water absorbed by mosses Materials and tools:Glass beaker - water - string - moss plant - scale - stopwatch - maskSteps:1- Put a quantity of moss plant on a piece of thin cloth, then tie it in the form of a ball.2- Measure the mass of the cloth ball containing the algae.3......

Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)

Second gra.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)

DNA replication

Third grad.... inFirst seme... | Sciences

0 (0)

DNA replication

How to detect proteins

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0.25 (2)

How to detect proteins

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Effect of pH on enzyme activity

Second gra.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

Effect of pH on enzyme activityPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

The effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylase

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

The effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylasePlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it


Second gra.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

OsmosisThis is a video of the experiment, it is best to watch it before starting the experimenthttps://youtu.be/vfrIU3ArQV0

Kelvin experiment

Second gra.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

Kelvin experiment

Linking photosynthesis to cellular respiration

Second gra.... inThird Seme... | Biology

0.25 (1)

the goal:Revealing how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together in an ecosystem.Materials and tools:Bromothymol blue (BTB) solution - Glass beaker - Test tubes - Aluminum foil - Aquatic plant.Steps:1- Add a quantity of bromothymol blue (BTB) solution to a glass beaker using a pipette.2-......

Detection of polysaccharides

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

Detection of polysaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Simple and complex epithelial tissue

First Grad.... inThird Seme... | Science

0 (0)

Simple and complex epithelial tissue

Determine blood types

First grad.... inSecond Ter... | biology

5.7388888888889 (9)

Chapter Three: Inheritance of Attributes. The second chapter: overlapping the action of genes. Lesson one: overlapping genes.Objective of the experiment:Determine blood typesExperiment tools:A blood sample - Sticks - Microscope slide - Anti-A - Anti-B - Anti-D - Capillary tubeExperiment s......

Transpiration Process in Plants

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | biology

0 (0)

Unit Four: Structure and Function in Living Organisms. Absorption and transport of water and mineral salts in the plant.Objective of the experiment:To clarify the process of transpiration in plantsExperiment tools:Pot - Cotton with Vaseline - Bell jar - Glass plate - Cobalt chloride blue leaves......

Fat Detection

Third grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

Objective of the experiment:fat detectionExperiment tools:Vegetable oil - Skimmed milk - Whole milk - Sudan III solution - Test tubesExperiment steps: - Put 2 ml of milk into test tubes.- Add 5 ml of water into a test tube and then put 2 ml of oil.- Add 10 drops of Sudan III solution to th......

Effect of light on the appearance of chlorophyll in some plants

First grad.... inSecond Ter... | biology

0 (0)

Effect of light on the appearance of chlorophyll in some plants

Nervous system

Sixth Grad.... inFirst seme... | Science

0 (0)

Nervous system

Skeletal System

Fifth Grad.... inFirst seme... | Science

0 (0)

Skeletal System

Circulatory system

Sixth Grad.... inFirst seme... | Science

0 (0)

Circulatory system

Food Chain Model

First Grad.... inThird Seme... | Science

8.45 (6)

Food Chain Model

Respiratory system

Sixth Grad.... inFirst seme... | Science

0 (0)

Respiratory system

Human Body Organs

Fourth gra.... inFirst term | Science

0.17222222222222 (9)

Human Body Organs

Prove the rise of water in plants by the force of transpiration

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | biology

0 (0)

Unit Four: Structure and Function in Living Organisms. Absorption and transport of water and mineral salts in the plant.Objective of the experiment:To prove the rise of water in the plant by the force of transpirationExperiment tools:Leafy plant - Scissors - Water basin - Mercury basin - Rubber......

Prove that soil contains small animals or creatures

Grade seve.... inSecond ter... | Sciences

0 (0)

Objective of the experiment:To prove that the soil contains microorganismsExperiment tools:Funnel - Holder - Muslin - Light source - Basin - Water - Soil - Digging spoonExperiment steps:- Fix the funnel in the holder and put a piece of muslin in the funnel.- Fill the basin with water and place it at......

Digestive system

fifth grad.... inFirst Term | Science

0.21111111111111 (9)

the goal:Identifying the components of the digestive system.Materials and tools:A model of the digestive system organs - Anatomy lab - Dissection tools.Steps:Click on the digestive system button, then click on each organ button to display it.You can also click on the 3D button to view the organs in......

What temperatures stimulate yeast growth?

Sixth grad.... inFirst Term | Science

0 (0)

What temperatures stimulate yeast growth?

What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?

fourth gra.... inSecond Ter... | Science

0 (0)

What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?

?How is energy transformed

Second gra.... inThird Seme... | Biology

0 (0)

the goal:Explanation of thermal energy transformations.Materials and tools:Magnesium sulfate - Calcium chloride - Distilled water - Glass beaker - Thermometer - Scale - Glass pipette - Spoon.Steps:1- Fill the glass beaker with 100 ml of water and record the temperature using the thermometer.2- Weigh......

What makes mold grow?

First grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

What makes mold grow?

What is the importance of observation in natural science?

First grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

What is the importance of observation in natural science?

Yeast growth check

First grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

Yeast growth check

How do you keep cut flowers fresh?

First grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

How do you keep cut flowers fresh?

Water in plants

fourth gra.... inSecond Ter... | Science

0 (0)

the goal:To discover how the water content in plants affects their weight.Materials and tools:Balance scale - Apples - Stopwatch - Strawberries - OrangesSteps:1. Weigh some slices of apple using the balance scale.2. Place the apple slices on a plate and let them dry completely, then weigh them again......

Waste disposal

Sixth grad.... inFirst Term | Sciences

0 (0)

Experiment Description:Waste Excretion in the Human BodyMaterials Used:Red beans (represent red blood cells).Salt (represents urea).Rice (represents proteins).Filter paper.Funnel.Beaker.Water.Objective:To simulate the process of waste excretion in the kidneys by separating waste (urea) from the bene......

Demonstrate the transfer of water inside a plant

Sixth grad.... inFirst Term | Science

25.125 (2)

Demonstrate the transfer of water inside a plantPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Fat Digestion Investigation
5 Point


Fat Digestion Investigation

Fat Digestion Investigation

How can you identify a living creature through a diverse set of bones?
3 Point


How can you identify a living creature through a diverse set of bones?

How can you identify a living creature through a diverse set of bones?

Male and female reproductive system
5 Point


Male and female reproductive system

Male and female reproductive system

Determining the reproduction rate
3 Point


Determining the reproduction rate

Determining the reproduction rate

Clarify that light is one of the basic needs of plants
5 Point


Clarify that light is one of the basic needs of plants

Clarify that light is one of the basic needs of plantsPlease watch the video of the experiment by cl......

How pepsin enzyme aids in the process of digestion
5 Point


How pepsin enzyme aids in the process of digestion

How pepsin enzyme aids in the process of digestion

Parts of a flower
5 Point


Parts of a flower

Parts of a flower

Cross-section of a volcano
5 Point


Cross-section of a volcano

Cross-section of a volcano

Phases of mitosis - Cell cycle
5 Point


Phases of mitosis - Cell cycle

Phases of mitosis - Cell cycle

Urinary system
5 Point


Urinary system

 Urinary system

Clarify whether soil is one of the basic needs of plants
5 Point


Clarify whether soil is one of the basic needs of plants

Clarify whether soil is one of the basic needs of plantsPlease watch the video of the experiment by......

What factors affect photosynthesis?
5 Point


What factors affect photosynthesis?

the goal:Explaining the factors that affect the process of photosynthesis.Materials and tools:Glass......

How do mammals keep their bodies warm in cold places
5 Point


How do mammals keep their bodies warm in cold places

the goal:Exploring how mammals keep their bodies warm in cold places.Materials and tools:Vegetable f......

Grasshopper anatomy
5 Point


Grasshopper anatomy

Grasshopper anatomy

Earthworm Anatomy
5 Point


Earthworm Anatomy

Earthworm Anatomy

Watching onion cells (introductory experiment)
5 Point


Watching onion cells (introductory experiment)

Watching onion cells (introductory experiment)

Animal and plant cell under a microscope
5 Point


Animal and plant cell under a microscope

Animal and plant cell under a microscope

Measure the amount of water absorbed by mosses
5 Point


Measure the amount of water absorbed by mosses

the goal:The amount of water absorbed by mosses Materials and tools:Glass beaker - water - stri......

Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)
5 Point


Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)

Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)

DNA replication
5 Point


DNA replication

DNA replication

How to detect proteins
5 Point


How to detect proteins

How to detect proteins

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides
5 Point


Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking h......

Effect of pH on enzyme activity
5 Point


Effect of pH on enzyme activity

Effect of pH on enzyme activityPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before star......

The effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylase
5 Point


The effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylase

The effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylasePlease watch the video of the experim......

5 Point



OsmosisThis is a video of the experiment, it is best to watch it before starting the experimenthttps......

Kelvin experiment
5 Point


Kelvin experiment

Kelvin experiment

Linking photosynthesis to cellular respiration
5 Point


Linking photosynthesis to cellular respiration

the goal:Revealing how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together in an ecosystem.Materia......

Detection of polysaccharides
5 Point


Detection of polysaccharides

Detection of polysaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before startin......

Simple and complex epithelial tissue
5 Point


Simple and complex epithelial tissue

Simple and complex epithelial tissue

Determine blood types


Determine blood types

Chapter Three: Inheritance of Attributes. The second chapter: overlapping the action of genes.&......

Transpiration Process in Plants
5 Point


Transpiration Process in Plants

Unit Four: Structure and Function in Living Organisms. Absorption and transport of water and mi......

Fat Detection
5 Point


Fat Detection

Objective of the experiment:fat detectionExperiment tools:Vegetable oil - Skimmed milk - Whole milk......

Effect of light on the appearance of chlorophyll in some plants
5 Point


Effect of light on the appearance of chlorophyll in some plants

Effect of light on the appearance of chlorophyll in some plants

Nervous system
5 Point


Nervous system

Nervous system

Skeletal System
5 Point


Skeletal System

Skeletal System

Circulatory system
5 Point


Circulatory system

Circulatory system

Food Chain Model
5 Point


Food Chain Model

Food Chain Model

Respiratory system
5 Point


Respiratory system

Respiratory system

Human Body Organs
5 Point


Human Body Organs

Human Body Organs

Prove the rise of water in plants by the force of transpiration
5 Point


Prove the rise of water in plants by the force of transpiration

Unit Four: Structure and Function in Living Organisms. Absorption and transport of water and mi......

Prove that soil contains small animals or creatures
5 Point


Prove that soil contains small animals or creatures

Objective of the experiment:To prove that the soil contains microorganismsExperiment tools:Funnel -......

Digestive system
5 Point


Digestive system

the goal:Identifying the components of the digestive system.Materials and tools:A model of the diges......

What temperatures stimulate yeast growth?
5 Point


What temperatures stimulate yeast growth?

What temperatures stimulate yeast growth?

What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?
5 Point


What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?

What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?

?How is energy transformed
5 Point


?How is energy transformed

the goal:Explanation of thermal energy transformations.Materials and tools:Magnesium sulfate - Calci......

What makes mold grow?
5 Point


What makes mold grow?

What makes mold grow?

What is the importance of observation in natural science?
5 Point


What is the importance of observation in natural science?

What is the importance of observation in natural science?

Yeast growth check
5 Point


Yeast growth check

Yeast growth check

How do you keep cut flowers fresh?
5 Point


How do you keep cut flowers fresh?

How do you keep cut flowers fresh?

Water in plants
5 Point


Water in plants

the goal:To discover how the water content in plants affects their weight.Materials and tools:Balanc......

Waste disposal
5 Point


Waste disposal

Experiment Description:Waste Excretion in the Human BodyMaterials Used:Red beans (represent red bloo......

Demonstrate the transfer of water inside a plant
5 Point


Demonstrate the transfer of water inside a plant

Demonstrate the transfer of water inside a plantPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking......

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