Light is one of the basic elements necessary for the continuation of life, as without it we cannot see what is around us, and light is responsible for the photosynthesis process responsible for the formation of food needed for plants, and we are now using light to convert it into electrical energy.
Light has a constant velocity in vacuum, which is 299,792,458 meters / second as it is electromagnetic waves, and the main source of light reaching the Earth is the sun.
Who is the discoverer of the phenomenon of reflection of light?
The first person to discover the phenomenon of the reflection of light was the great Arab scholar, Al-Hassan Ibn Al-Haytham.
What is the reflection of light?
Reflection of light is the process of bouncing a light ray to the same medium from which it fell when it fell on a reflective surface, and the phenomenon of light reflection is of great importance in life because of its important applications.
What are the types of light reflection?
There are two types of light reflection:
- Regular reflection: is the reflection of light when it falls on a bright surface and the rays bounce in one direction.
- Irregular reflection (random): is the reflection of light when it falls on a rough surface and the rays bounce randomly and do not produce a clear picture.
What are the factors of light reflection?
There are two main factors that affect the reflection of light:
- The nature of the surface on which the light falls: the light is reflected when it falls on smooth objects such as mirrors, and the more smooth the object, the greater the amount of reflected light.
- The color of the surface on which the light fell: the amount of reflected light varies according to the color of the surface, as there are fully reflective colors such as white, and the colors absorbing light such as black.
How to measure the angle of reflection of light?
We draw a vertical line on the reflecting surface so that it separates the incident light ray from the reflected light ray, so that the angle of reflection is the angle between the reflected light ray and the column drawn on the reflecting surface.
Legally reflection of light:
The first law of light reflection states that: the incident light ray, the reflected light ray, and the column standing from the point of incidence on the reflecting surface, all fall in one plane that is perpendicular to the reflecting surface.
The second law of reflection of light states that: The angle of incidence of a ray on a reflecting surface is equal to the angle of reflection.
You can achieve the legalities of reflection by doing the reflection experiment.
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