Detection of The Chloride Anion

Third grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

Detection of the chloride anionThis video shows how to do the experiment

Fat Detection

Third grad.... inFirst seme... | biology

0 (0)

Objective of the experiment:fat detectionExperiment tools:Vegetable oil - Skimmed milk - Whole milk - Sudan III solution - Test tubesExperiment steps: - Put 2 ml of milk into test tubes.- Add 5 ml of water into a test tube and then put 2 ml of oil.- Add 10 drops of Sudan III solution to th......

Detection of polysaccharides

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

Detection of polysaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of nitrite anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of nitrite anionPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of iron 111 cation

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of iron 111 cationThis video shows how to do the experiment

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0 (0)

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of sulphide anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of sulphide anion

Detection of thiosulfate Anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of thiosulfate Anion

Detection of bicarbonate anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Please watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of the nitrate anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of the nitrate anion

Detection of an iron(II) cation

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of an iron(II) cation

Detection of aluminum cation

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of aluminum cation

Detection of sulfite anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Please watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of the phosphate anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Detection of the phosphate anion

Detection of the iodide anion

Third grad.... inFirst Term | Chemistry

0 (0)

Please watch the video of the experiment here before starting it

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

Fourth Gra.... inFirst Seme... | Science

0 (0)

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

Detection of some elements using flame

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | Chemistry

0.2 (4)

Detection of some elements using flame

How to detect proteins

First grad.... inFirst Term | Biology

0.25 (2)

How to detect proteins

Detection of The Chloride Anion
10 Point


Detection of The Chloride Anion

Detection of the chloride anionThis video shows how to do the experiment

Fat Detection
5 Point


Fat Detection

Objective of the experiment:fat detectionExperiment tools:Vegetable oil - Skimmed milk - Whole milk......

Detection of polysaccharides
5 Point


Detection of polysaccharides

Detection of polysaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before startin......

Detection of nitrite anion
5 Point


Detection of nitrite anion

Detection of nitrite anionPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting......

Detection of iron  111 cation
5 Point


Detection of iron 111 cation

Detection of iron 111 cationThis video shows how to do the experiment

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides
5 Point


Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharidesPlease watch the video of the experiment by clicking h......

Detection of sulphide anion
5 Point


Detection of sulphide anion

Detection of sulphide anion

Detection of thiosulfate Anion
5 Point


Detection of thiosulfate Anion

Detection of thiosulfate Anion

Detection of bicarbonate anion
5 Point


Detection of bicarbonate anion

Please watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of the nitrate anion
5 Point


Detection of the nitrate anion

Detection of the nitrate anion

Detection of an iron(II) cation
5 Point


Detection of an iron(II) cation

Detection of an iron(II) cation

Detection of aluminum cation
5 Point


Detection of aluminum cation

Detection of aluminum cation

Detection of sulfite anion
5 Point


Detection of sulfite anion

Please watch the video of the experiment by clicking here before starting it

Detection of the phosphate anion
5 Point


Detection of the phosphate anion

Detection of the phosphate anion

Detection of the iodide anion
5 Point


Detection of the iodide anion

Please watch the video of the experiment here before starting it

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides
5 Point


Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

Detection of monosaccharides and disaccharides

Detection of some elements using flame
5 Point


Detection of some elements using flame

Detection of some elements using flame

How to detect proteins
5 Point


How to detect proteins

How to detect proteins

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