A topic on Einstein's theory of the speed of light, Einstein's theory of relativity has influenced changes in physical sciences such as mass and time, as well as the great evolution of physics and Astro science, and on this subject, we will talk about the theory of relativity and its importance, and we will mention its hypotheses, and their results.
· The German Albert Einstein, known as Albert Einstein, was able to discover the theory of relativity.
Einstein was able to obtain dual citizenship from Switzerland and America, as an adherent of the Jewish religion, and was born on 14 March 1879 AD.
· Einstein is known as The Father of Relativity because of his discovery of relativity, and he was able to make a big difference in theoretical physical courses, perfecting the status of relativity in both the general and private aspects.
· Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physical Sciences in 1921, after submitting his 300-paper research, and spoke in this research on photovoltaic effects, and presented research on the matter, quantum mechanics, and their equality.
· Einstein presented humanity with his great achievements, such as discovering the invisible wave of attraction, developing what is known as the Brown movement, as well as what is known as the Great Monotheism Theory, and the field equations for Einstein.
· He received numerous awards for his discoveries, such as the Max Lank Award, and Einstein's name was included in the top 100 individuals in the world.
· In the 20th century, he was also awarded the Copley Medal. Physicist Einstein died on 18 April 1995 after presenting many achievements related to discoveries and science that had a great impact on the whole world, and it is worth mentioning that his body was cremated in Trenton, New Jersey..
· The theory of relativity is the theory of the world "Einstein", in which the scientist Henri Poincaré, a French national, participated, one of the most important theories of physics ever, because of its great role in the events of changes in different physical concepts.
· His scientific research on theory was published in 1905, known as special relativity, and served as an answer to many questions about the actions and properties of light, and about the results of the Mickelson and Morley light experiment.
· The experiment examined light and spread it in all its different tracks, and the results were inconsistent with the laws on conventional speed.
The importance of Einstein's relative theory is that the functions and characteristics of the relative theory are numerous, and the importance of relative theory is the following points.:
· The theory of relativity has brought many changes to concepts related to physical sciences related to mass, time, energy, and space.
· The theory of relativity has brought about many developments in physical and astronomical sciences. It has significantly modified the theoretical criteria for Isaac Newton's mechanical theory.
· Changed the concepts of movement and many theoretical texts of the relative movement.
· Helped to show up a lot of different scientific disciplines such as astrophysics and cosmology..
Examples of Einstein's relative theory of the world
· We assume that there is an individual watching television, this individual will think that he is constant and television and this is right from the point of view of the place in which he is, but it is wrong from the point of view of the universe.
· The individual moves with the television as a result of some specific movements such as the earth's rotation around the Sun, the rotation of the earth around itself, the movement of the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy, and the movement of the galaxy in the universe.
· Another example is the birth of twin children at the same time, but one of them remained on the globe, and another child left the globe at light speed for a year and then returned at the same speed of light again to the globe.
· The child who returned to Earth will notice that his brother is 50 years old while he is only 2 years old, as a result of the time stretch of the child who traveled because of the speed of light he used to move.
There are two types of relative theory that define two types of relative theory, and they are:
· In 1905, Einstein published a modern kind of relativity, known as special relativism, with the aim of developing solutions to situations that were affected by the difficulty of the speed and properties of light.
· The particular theory of relativity explained the contradictions found by the so-called Milkson and Morley experiment related to both the speed and spread of light.
· The theory of relativity worked to represent some theories of modern physics, because the difference of time between the incision of private theory and the world is only one year, the special relativity theory was published in 1905 AD, and the general relativity theory was published in 1906 AD.
· The special relativistic theory applied its dimensions to the interactions of the primary particle and all related to it, and the general relativistic theory focused on the universe and physical astronomy. General relativity was not as important as the particular relative theory was widely accepted by the physical community in 1920 AD.
· The theory of relativity explained and understood many different phenomena and hypotheses well, and through this theory, scientists were able to understand the interactions and nature of particles.
· This helped to develop a lot of science, such as nuclear science in all its forms, which increased interest in it after Einstein discovered relativity theory.
· The theory also interpreted molecule-specific behaviors in nuclear reactions, demonstrated their own characteristics and qualities, and interpreted many phenomena of the universe and space, such as gravitational waves, and so-called black holes in space.
· The theory of relativity, in general, included many physical theories such as the special relativity theory published in 1905, which were interested in the interactions and values of small particles, which were used by physicists studying corn, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics.
· The world's relativistic theory, published in 1906, was interested in the movement of cosmic objects and large astronomy values.
There are hypotheses based on the special theory of relativity, which serves as the backbone of the theory, and these hypotheses are represented in the following points:
The theory of relativity succeeded in proving that the speed of light is stable regardless of the source and location of this light, and it does not need the carriers to move from one point to another, as happens in sound waves.
The scientist Einstein was the first to put the time in the number four dimension after the length, width, and height of matter, and he entered time with all its estimates.
It is the things in the universe that have no limits, and scientists thought that they exist, but Einstein denied the existence of the ether, as he said that only place and relative speed exist.
Einstein was spending most of his time studying Newton's physics, and he was able to discover an error in the definition of time and space with Newton, according to Newton's special laws, it is possible to know the speed of light.
But according to Einstein, reaching the speed of light is impossible, due to the lack of infinite energy that helps to reach this speed, and this energy of the universe is limited.
The scientist Isaac Newton and the scientist Coulomb agreed on the laws of kinetics and charges, as Newton said that there are no bodies that move on their own unless there is a force working to move them.
But the theory that Newton put forward does not apply to stars, as they exist in a vacuum and move without the influence of any force on them.
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