Demonstrates the thermal decomposition of mercury oxide

Grade elev.... inFirst seme... | Chemistry

0.25 (6)

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

Thermal decomposition of copper hydroxide

Grade elev.... inFirst seme... | Chemistry

0.25 (2)

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Thermal Decomposition of Green Copper Carbonate

Sixth Grad.... inFirst Term | Sciences

0 (0)

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Thermal Decomposition of Copper Sulphates

Sixth Grad.... inFirst Term | Sciences

0.25 (1)

Unit one: chemical reactions.  Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Thermal Decomposition of White Sodium Nitrate

From grade.... inFirst & se... | Science

0.25 (1)

Unit one: chemical reactions.  Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Reaction of Hydrochloric Acid with Sodium Carbonate

From grade.... inFirst & se... | Science

0.25 (1)

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Interaction of the Sodium Chloride Solution with The Silver Nitrate Solution

From grade.... inFirst & se... | Science

0.25 (1)

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

Preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory

Grade twel.... inFirst seme... | Chemistry

0.18333333333333 (6)

Purpose of experiment Preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory Toolsglass beaker - two-hole cork stopper - glass spout funnel - glass delivery tube - basin - water - graduated flask - hydrogen peroxide solution (oxygen water) - manganese dioxide.StepsBring the glass basin and install th......

Preparation of carbon dioxide gas in the laboratory

Grade seve.... inFirst seme... | Sciences

0.25 (1)

Purpose of experimentPreparation of carbon dioxide gas in the laboratorytoolsgraduated flask - glass beaker - cork stopper with two holes - glass funnelU-shaped glass tube - dilute hydrochloric acid - calcium carbonatesteps Place the candle in the middle of the lab bench.Light the candle by usi......

Writing and weighing chemical equations

First Grad.... inSecond Ter... | Science

0.25 (2)

Writing and weighing chemical equations

The reaction of metals with dilute acids

Second gra.... inFirst Term | Science

0.25 (3)

The reaction of metals with dilute acids

Discovering the chemical properties of metals (reaction of metals with oxygen)

Second gra.... inFirst Term | Science

0.23333333333333 (3)

Discovering the chemical properties of metals (reaction of metals with oxygen)objectiveUnderstanding the interaction of metals with oxygenToolsA strip of magnesium - Tester filled with oxygen- litmus- A glass of water- holderstepsApply the tester filled with oxygen in the middle of the deskHeat the......

Ester preparation

Third grad.... inThird Seme... | Chemistry

0 (0)

the goal:Learning how to prepare ester.Materials and tools: Electric heater - Glass cup - Test tube - Salicylic acid - Methanol - Sulfuric acid - Cotton - SpoonSteps:1. Fill the glass with water and heat it on the electric heater to the mid-level temperature.2. Weigh 1.5 grams of salicylic acid......

Formation of Salt

From grade.... inFirst & se... | Chemistry

0 (0)

Formation of Salt

What happens when iron reacts with copper sulphate (introductory experiment)

Third grad.... inFirst seme... | Chemistry

0 (0)

What happens when iron reacts with copper sulphate (introductory experiment)

Preparation of nitrogen gas in the laboratory

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | Chemistry

0 (0)

Preparation of nitrogen gas in the laboratory

Preparation of nitrogen gas from chemical compounds

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | Chemistry

0 (0)

Preparation of nitrogen gas from chemical compounds

Preparation of nitric acid in the laboratory.

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | Chemistry

0 (0)

Preparation of nitric acid in the laboratory.

Nitrogen Gas Preparation Apparatus

Second gra.... inSecond Ter... | Chemistry

0 (0)

Nitrogen Gas Preparation Apparatus

Demonstrates the thermal decomposition of mercury oxide
5 Point


Demonstrates the thermal decomposition of mercury oxide

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

Thermal decomposition of copper hydroxide
5 Point


Thermal decomposition of copper hydroxide

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Thermal Decomposition of Green Copper Carbonate
5 Point


The Thermal Decomposition of Green Copper Carbonate

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Thermal Decomposition of Copper Sulphates
5 Point


The Thermal Decomposition of Copper Sulphates

Unit one: chemical reactions.  Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Thermal Decomposition of White Sodium Nitrate
5 Point


The Thermal Decomposition of White Sodium Nitrate

Unit one: chemical reactions.  Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Reaction of Hydrochloric Acid with Sodium Carbonate
5 Point


The Reaction of Hydrochloric Acid with Sodium Carbonate

Unit one: chemical reactions. Lesson one: chemical reactions.

The Interaction of the Sodium Chloride Solution with The Silver Nitrate Solution
5 Point
Preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory
8 Point


Preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory

Purpose of experiment Preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory Toolsglass beaker - two-......

Preparation of carbon dioxide gas in the laboratory
10 Point


Preparation of carbon dioxide gas in the laboratory

Purpose of experimentPreparation of carbon dioxide gas in the laboratorytoolsgraduated flask - glass......

Writing and weighing chemical equations
5 Point


Writing and weighing chemical equations

Writing and weighing chemical equations

The reaction of metals with dilute acids
5 Point


The reaction of metals with dilute acids

The reaction of metals with dilute acids

Discovering the chemical properties of metals (reaction of metals with oxygen)
5 Point


Discovering the chemical properties of metals (reaction of metals with oxygen)

Discovering the chemical properties of metals (reaction of metals with oxygen)objectiveUnderstanding......

Ester preparation
5 Point


Ester preparation

the goal:Learning how to prepare ester.Materials and tools: Electric heater - Glass cup - Test......

What happens when iron reacts with copper sulphate (introductory experiment)
5 Point


What happens when iron reacts with copper sulphate (introductory experiment)

What happens when iron reacts with copper sulphate (introductory experiment)

Preparation of nitrogen gas in the laboratory
5 Point


Preparation of nitrogen gas in the laboratory

Preparation of nitrogen gas in the laboratory

Preparation of nitrogen gas from chemical compounds
5 Point


Preparation of nitrogen gas from chemical compounds

Preparation of nitrogen gas from chemical compounds

Preparation of nitric acid in the laboratory.
5 Point


Preparation of nitric acid in the laboratory.

Preparation of nitric acid in the laboratory.

Nitrogen Gas Preparation Apparatus
5 Point


Nitrogen Gas Preparation Apparatus

Nitrogen Gas Preparation Apparatus

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