Browse Free vlaby Trials
26 October, 2022

Browse Free vlaby Trials


In light of the technological development that the world is witnessing, Vlaby has developed the laboratories to change their nature from the traditional realistic form to the virtual in order for students and teachers to avoid the dangers of traditional laboratories

And it's not just paid, as vlaby offers many free trials that you can do by just logging in

Free trials vary to be in biology, physics and chemistry

For all educational levels, starting from the fourth grade of primary school to the third grade of secondary

You can browse and do our free trials in your study language such as Arabic, English, French, German or Indonesian from here after logging in


You can choose experiences here

The difference in the degree of heat conduction of different metals




The magnetic field of electric current


Proof of the law of levers


Writing and weighing chemical equations


Replacing the hydrogen in the water with a metal


Connect the resistors in series


Materials differ from each other in terms of density


Double slit - "Thomas Young"


periscope and field telescope


Measuring the mass of a solid object using a double-hand scale


Materials differ in electrical conductivity


Analysis of light in a glass prism


Determination of the density of a liquid in practice


Determination of the density of solids


Pyrolysis of mercury oxide


pyrolysis of copper hydroxide


The effect of the vibrating surface area on the intensity of the sound emitted by it


Oxidation and reduction process according to the traditional concept


The relationship between the luminous intensity of a surface and the distance of the light source from it


The effect of enzymes on the rate of a chemical reaction


longitudinal waves


Transverse mechanical waves


Decomposition of white light into seven colors


Detection of sulfite anion


Friction between solid objects


Soil components


levers of the first type


The relationship between friction and motion



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