28 November, 2021




Oxygen is a chemical element , its chemical formula O and atomic number 8. It is located within the elements of the second session, at the head of the sixteenth group, which is a major group element .

  Oxygen is classified as metals, and is in normal conditions of pressure and temperature in the form of o2 It has no color, taste or smell.


Oxygen has a great vital importance, as it is indispensable for the continuation of life on earth, it is the basis of the cellular breathing process in humans and animals, as well as in the process of photosynthesis in plants. In addition, it is the basis of the combustion process and contributes to corrosion processes.


" The scientist CarlWilhelm Shielh was the first to discover oxygen as an independent chemical element in 1771, but he only published his research in 1777, and in 1774 Joseph Priestley Separately and independently, the element is also discovered while researching the combustion process mechanism. .

In 1771, the scientist " Carl Wilhelm Shielh, while researching the concept of combustion, by heating compounds such as quadruple manganese oxide or over potassium permingate with Concentrated sulphuric acid , obtained colorless gas. He attributed it to its source, and also called it

"zag air", and also found that normal air consists of that flammable air, and from unhelpful air, called "rotten air",

Sheila did not publish his research immediately, but sent it for publication in 1775, and it was not published until 1777, under the title (Thesis on air and fire)


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