an experience Electricity
27 November, 2023

an experience Electricity


the goal:

to study the electric current

Materials and tools:

Battery - light bulb - 4 connecting wires - switch - ammeter


Connect one end of the lead wire to the battery and the other end to the light bulb.

Connect the second wire to the light bulb and the other end to the electrical switch.

Connect the third wire to the electrical switch and the other end to the ammeter.

Connect the fourth wire to the ammeter and the other end to the battery.

Turn on the switch and see what happens.

Turn off the switch and see what happens.


Notice that the light bulb is light .

Note that the ammeter reads 1 ampere.

Notice that the light bulb is not lit.

We note that the ammeter reads zero amperes.


Needed to light the lamp:

1- The presence of an electric current, which is a flood of electric charges flowing through the connecting wire and its source is the battery.

2- The circuit must be closed.

The ammeter is used to measure the intensity of electric current, which is the amount of electric charge passing through the conductor per second.

Experiment for yourself with Vlaby Virtual Science Worker platform


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