Ten reasons for Using VLABY virtual labs in education
03 November, 2020

Ten reasons for Using VLABY virtual labs in education


Reliance on modern technology has become an inevitable necessity in our contemporary education, especially in times of crises such as the COVID-19 crisis, which cast a shadow over educational systems in the whole world, so all educational systems have tended to rely on e-learning and distance education in a very large way , But the major problem has become in practical education and conducting practical experiments. Its risks have become greater when it is conducted in science laboratories due to several problems. Therefore, it has become necessary to rely on virtual laboratory technology for several reasons. Here are the top ten

reasons for using virtual laboratories in education.

:Top ten reasons for using the VLABY virtual labs in science education

1-   Confronting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, due to the partial and total closure of some schools in the world, which reduced the opportunity for students and scientists to access traditional science laboratories.

2-   Helping to conduct experiments online via e-learning platforms.

3-   Protecting students from the danger of some practical experiments that contain dangerous chemicals or electrical materials.

4-   Providing large financial resources for schools in the imperative of developing and maintaining traditional science laboratories every year.

5-   Simplifying complex scientific terms and concepts for students when studying science.

6-   Enhancing practical learning in theoretical e-learning platforms.

7-   Eliminate boredom from studying and learning online through theoretical resources.

8-   Encouraging the student’s role and making him more interactive with the educational content.

9-   Motivating students to continue learning through the gamification system on the VLABY virtual labs platform.

10-                       Enabling the teacher and the school to follow its students through an advanced control panel.


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