Virtual labs and its importance
02 December, 2020

Virtual labs and its importance


? What are the virtual laboratories

Virtual labs are an educational simulation environment that allows students to complete lab experiments online and explore concepts and theories without going into a real science lab

Students can experience lab techniques for the first time and become more familiar with advanced laboratory equipment that may be inaccessible because of its high price or because of its danger

Through animation, students can explore life sciences at the molecular level and look inside the machines they operate

Virtual laboratory software creates opportunities for alternative access to science education, and virtual sites

are applications of virtual reality technology

?What are the characteristics of the default labs

The time required to conduct the experiment using virtual laboratories is much less than the time required to conduct the experiment in traditional laboratories

It connects theoretical sciences with concrete physical application

The freedom to move between the components of the scientific material and repeat it more than once

To provide a comfortable and enjoyable learning environment

Providing the necessary money to buy equipment and material

?What is the importance of virtual labs in e-learning

Protect students while they deal with chemicals

Providing a realistic learning experience rather than having learners make assumptions or memorize concepts and procedures

Help to solve the problem of lack of capabilities in schools

To provide cooperation and interaction between students and each other, and between teachers and students

Helps teachers evaluate students electronically

It helps students, especially in the early stages, to overcome boredom because of the theoretical sciences that they study in their schools

It allows the student to do the experiment more than once, allowing him to fully absorb it

Virtual labs leave a wide field for experimentation and interaction between learners and teachers, and virtual labs provide an enjoyable scientific experience, and we, through the Flappy Virtual Labs platform, provide a more interactive experience

As Vlaby is the first virtual lab platform in the world to implement the gamification system, where students get stars and prizes upon successfully passing the activities.

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