an experience Identify the direction of gravitational influence
27 November, 2023

an experience Identify the direction of gravitational influence


the goal:

Identify the direction of gravitational influence

Materials and tools:

Protractor - Metric ruler - string - sticky tape - Lightweight - Hydrometer - Several books


1-Attach a string to the metric ruler, use a piece of sticky tape to hold the string in place, then tie a weight to the end of the string.

2-Attach the metric ruler to several books to allow the string and weight to move freely.

3-Measure the angle between the metric ruler and the string.

4-With more books tilt the ruler up on one end and measure the angle again then tilt the ruler down and measure the angle again.

5-Repeat this step to have two measurements for each direction the ruler leans and make your notes.


When the metric ruler is inclined upwards, the angle between the string and the metric ruler is acute, while when the metric ruler is tilted downward, the angle between the string and the metric ruler is obtuse.


The angle of fall of the body (heaviness) changes due to the pulling force toward the ground due to the effect of the gravitational force.

Experiment for yourself with Vlaby Virtual Science Worker platform


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