Creating a Model of Earth's Interior (Experimental Approach)
Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)
Experiment Description:Waste Excretion in the Human BodyMaterials Used:Red beans (represent red bloo......
the goal:To discover how the water content in plants affects their weight.Materials and tools:Balanc......
What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?
the goal:Draw a conclusion about the Law of Conservation of Mass.Materials and tools:Wire crucible -......
Which one allows water to seep faster: soil or gravel?
How does the angle of inclination of sunlight affect temperatures?
the goal:Create a model illustrating the movement of the Earth during an earthquake.Materials and to......
Third grad....inFirst seme...| Chemistry
Investigation of factors affecting solubility
First Grad....inSecond ter...| Sciences
Creating a Model of Earth's Interior (Experimental Approach)
Third grad....inSecond ter...| Physics
How do waves propagate in a spring?
Second gra....inFirst Term| Biology
Proof of completion of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation)
Sixth grad....inFirst Term| Sciences
Experiment Description:Waste Excretion in the Human BodyMaterials Used:Red beans (represent red blood cells).Salt (represents urea).Rice (represents proteins).Filter paper.Funnel.Beaker.Water.Objective:To simulate the process of waste excretion in the kidneys by separating waste (urea) from the bene......
fourth gra....inSecond Ter...| Science
the goal:To discover how the water content in plants affects their weight.Materials and tools:Balance scale - Apples - Stopwatch - Strawberries - OrangesSteps:1. Weigh some slices of apple using the balance scale.2. Place the apple slices on a plate and let them dry completely, then weigh them again......
fourth gra....inSecond Ter...| Science
What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day?
Third grad....inSecond ter...| Sciences
the goal:Draw a conclusion about the Law of Conservation of Mass.Materials and tools:Wire crucible - Test tube - Balloon - Sensitive scale - Heater - Hot water bath - Test tube holder - Stopwatch - TissuesSteps:1. Place a piece of wire crucible in a medium-sized test tube.2. Attach the balloon nozzl......
fourth gra....inThird seme...| Science
Mixing and separation of substances
fourth gra....inSecond Ter...| Science
Which one allows water to seep faster: soil or gravel?
fifth grad....inSecond Ter...| Science
How does the angle of inclination of sunlight affect temperatures?
First Grad....inSecond ter...| Sciences
Formation of a low-pressure center
fifth grad....inSecond Ter...| Science
the goal:Create a model illustrating the movement of the Earth during an earthquake.Materials and tools:Pieces of cork - a bowl - soil - a wooden piece.Steps: 1- Place the two pieces of cork next to each other in the bowl.2- Cover the cork pieces with soil.3- Gently pull the bowl about 5 c......
Second gra....inSecond ter...| Chemistry
How can the reaction rate be increased?